Embracing the modern web using a Headless CMS with GatsbyJS

A headless CMS allows content creators to manage their content through a familiar admin interface and providing the content via API endpoints, allowing developers to implement a fully customized front-end experience using reusable components and a modern framework as React.

A core feature of Gatsby is its ability to load data from anywhere (GraphQL endpoint in our example). This is what makes Gatsby more powerful than any other static site generators that are limited to only loading content from Markdown files.

Information Modelling & Data Modelling

A web site, especially a Drupal web site, isn't just a collection of independent web pages with blobs of text; it's a meaningful presentation of structured information. Ideally, for content editors, it also follows the principle of "Enter once, display many times". For example, enter each staff member & their details just once, but display that information on a staff directory page, on each staff member's individual details page, on an emergency contacts page organized by responsibility, etc.

Dream Migrations and Imports: Feeds UI + Migrate Engine - intro before Contrib sprint

This year we celebrate 4 years since Drupal 8 was released. A one-click upgrade from older versions is one of its greatest features, thanks to the Migrate module being in core. While Migrate is powerful, it lacks a good UI. In contrib, we have Feeds for importing content. This module does have a UI perfectly tuned for site builders, but it defines its own import framework. Wouldn’t it be great if the two frameworks could be combined together?

UPDATED: "Boy Scout" Web Strategy -- switching from "Be Prepared," to "Wilderness Survival"

UPDATE:  The presentation I'd planned to give was about how to be ready for a disaster tomorrow -- and now that we are *in* a disaster, that hardly seems valid -- but perhaps I can pass on other lessons I have learned from previous disasters to be more helpful to everyone today.

Current events are very similar to my experience at ground-zero during Katrina -- and that includes emotionally. This is pretty personal to me -- and deadly real (see below).

Writing Effective Alternative Text

Writing effective alternative text is a balance between too much and too little information. Learn best practices for managing this balance to write alternative text for complex charts, diagrams, and infographics that is effective, clear and accessible.

Presenter will be Robin Cole from the Office of Accessible Education, Stanford University

No API, No Problem: A recipe for connecting to external databases.

In Drupal, there are multiple ways to access external data sources. With the addition of Guzzle in Drupal 8, interacting with REST APIs is easier than ever. There are times though when APIs simply don’t exist for a number of reasons: the requirement has never existed, the budget is too lean, or the team doesn’t have the technical experience to create one. There are some good non-automated solutions like Migrate, Feeds and Entity Importer for doing one-time imports.
