Rich data management and publishing on websites - via zoom

Data has been growing at a rapid pace for last few decades; much of it resides on file servers. However, there is a growing need to make some of this data available over the web that may be consumed via either a web browser or via API. I will discuss managing and publishing data as first class content on websites that goes beyond displaying data as a list of files  and folders. I'll describe our new system that incorporates annotation, discussion, visualization and is extensible.

Leveraging Multiple Cloud Orchestration


We are now living in Cloud era. Therefore, we are managing AWS by developing our own AWS Portal | Cloud Orchestrator by Drupal 8.

We'll introduce our solution (Cloud project) including its requirements and the goal, the value proposition. We would like to show how Drupal 8 can define to manage multiple Cloud infrastructure and why Drupal 8 can be used as Web Application Framework.

Key Points Covered

Communication 1: Understanding How we Succeed or Fail

If it is true that the meaning of all communication is the response it elicits; then what should we do to get the results we need? By reducing communication into the simplest parts, it is easier to see their interactions and there-by understand the complex results. We will tour the communication process to understand where it happens, show how it functions, and why it breaks. 

Why fork Drupal? The philosophy behind Backdrop CMS

Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork. It is a faster and less-complex version of Drupal 7 with more features you want, and fewer you don't.

This session will highlight the Backdrop Mission, it's intended audience, and it's guiding principles.

We'll explain the decision making process, introduce the Project Management Committee, and expand on how the project's direction is set by the needs of the whole community.

We'll cover topics like how we handle Security and Stability, and talk about how we're trying to decrease the cost of long-term website ownership.

Six of One, Half-Dozen of the Other: Metrics for Your Devs and Ops

You're in charge of a website. Or two. Or a dozen. Or several thousand.

In any case, you're "responsible for the health of the service".

What does that mean? How can you, your team, your leadership, or your stakeholders quantify that?

(Spoiler alert: I don't know the answer)

Nevertheless, I can discuss how we at Stanford Web Services track metrics across the following dimensions to try to keep a grasp on the "health of the service":

Get started with AWS

Many universities are currently moving their online applications to the cloud. 

UCSC has moved many online systems into Amazon Web Services. Attend this session to learn about web hosting with AWS.

In this session, Kristin will demonstrate how to create a very simple static website on AWS S3 and how to automatically create a LAMP stack on AWS EC2 with CloudFormation.

Key concepts: Web hosting, cloud hosting, dev-ops, system administration
