Learn Composer

If you're working on a PHP based project in 2020 you will need to know how to use composer. This session will bring you up to speed on what it is, how it works, semantic versions and some helpful hints with using it with git.

Leveraging Multiple Cloud Orchestration


We are now living in Cloud era. Therefore, we are managing AWS by developing our own AWS Portal | Cloud Orchestrator by Drupal 8.

We'll introduce our solution (Cloud project) including its requirements and the goal, the value proposition. We would like to show how Drupal 8 can define to manage multiple Cloud infrastructure and why Drupal 8 can be used as Web Application Framework.

Key Points Covered

Make the Robots Do It! Practical Continuous Integration and Automated Testing

DevOps, CI, Build, Test, Deploy! There are so many different components flying around this buzzword-compliant practice, it's hard to know where to start. (Spoiler: always start with low-hanging fruit!) But the promises are very attractive: Fewer bugs, faster deployment, greater confidence in your changes.

Learn practical tools and workflows from those of us already in the trenches. We will cover:

Six of One, Half-Dozen of the Other: Metrics for Your Devs and Ops

You're in charge of a website. Or two. Or a dozen. Or several thousand.

In any case, you're "responsible for the health of the service".

What does that mean? How can you, your team, your leadership, or your stakeholders quantify that?

(Spoiler alert: I don't know the answer)

Nevertheless, I can discuss how we at Stanford Web Services track metrics across the following dimensions to try to keep a grasp on the "health of the service":

Doing more with views

Views allows people to choose a list of nodes or other entities and present them as pages, blocks, RSS feeds, or other formats.

In this presentation we'll explore Views functionality to display a first list of articles, then create an inline menu for navigating the list.

Learning Markdown: 20 minutes that will change your life

Don't you wish there was a way to write content faster without having to log into your WordPress site?  Turns out there is and it is called Markdown, which can be written in any text editor you choose.  Based on the basics of HTML and with a goal of making marked up content as readable as possible, Markdown takes only minutes to learn and is the most transportable way you can write your content.  Sites like GitHub, Bitbucket and Reddit already expect it and now WordPress does too.

Get started with AWS

Many universities are currently moving their online applications to the cloud. 

UCSC has moved many online systems into Amazon Web Services. Attend this session to learn about web hosting with AWS.

In this session, Kristin will demonstrate how to create a very simple static website on AWS S3 and how to automatically create a LAMP stack on AWS EC2 with CloudFormation.

Key concepts: Web hosting, cloud hosting, dev-ops, system administration
