Setting up a Comprehensive Automated Testing Regime for Drupal using Cypress and Playwright

Do you want more confidence that each release is solid? Are you done with users finding bugs that require hasty hot fixes? Today's websites are simply too large and complex to rely solely on manual testing. Teams are investing in automated testing to improve both site quality and night-time sleep quality.

But aren't automated tests flaky and cumbersome to keep up-to-date? 

Composer Scripting

Presented by Kunal Kursija

Composer - The dependency management tool for PHP applications is a complete feature rich package that addresses a lot of development and deployment problems. Unfortunately, most of the developers only get to know about the basic usage of it(Example: Running commands like ‘composer require drupal/MODULE’, ‘composer install’, and ‘composer update’).

Drupal Development in the Cloud

There are a plethora of options to set up a Drupal environment for local development; from MAMP to Virtual Machines to Docker. The developer experience of all these solutions has improved greatly over the course of the last few years. Install the application, run a few commands and you have a Drupal environment with various dependencies up and running. However, in case you are running an underpowered device or want to work from your tablet computer or mobile phone, none of these solutions would work.

The anatomy of Git workflow and essentials commands you must memorize

Are you new to the Git workflow? Is the concept of version control sounds awesome but intimidating? Do you feel like Git would improve your development workflow but don't know where to start?

If this sounds like you, join me for this crash course into Git from the beginner to ninja. We will talk about using Git in the command line like a pro and cover most popular workflows, essential commands, and bonus tips and tricks that will improve your development workflow.

This session is great for beginners but intermediate users may also learn a few new tricks! "  

Upgrading to Backdrop CMS from Drupal 7

As we near the end of life of Drupal 7, it's time to decide what to do with your Drupal 7 websites. One of the more cost-effective choices is to upgrade that website to Backdrop CMS.

Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork: It's a version of Drupal 7 that runs faster, yet contains far more features. It is both easier to use, and more affordable to maintain than Drupal 7 was, and has a built-in upgrade path (no migrations required).
