Automate, Integrate, Innovate: AI-powered GitLab CI for Drupal module development

Session Description:

In this enlightening session, we will embark on a journey into the future of code review, where the integration of ChatGPT and GitLab CI revolutionizes the software development process. Discover how the fusion of automation, seamless integration, and cutting-edge innovation is reshaping the way we ensure code quality.

BackdropCMS in Higher Ed: Stanford and Penn State case studies

Learn how Higher Ed leverages power of Backdrop CMS for various use cases - from building new sites to upgrades from Drupal 7 before EOL. Topics include business case, selecting hosting platform, authentication, training for users and many other challenges.

The presentation will transition into open discussion about using Backdrop in Higher ed and non-profit space.

Website failover and disaster recovery strategies to help you sleep better

Failure happens. We’ve all experienced failure, and it's not fun. But, it does give us the opportunity to learn and, ideally, to plan better for the next time disaster strikes.

The web technology stack is ripe for failure because there are often so many pieces at play. Web servers, database servers, content management systems, third-party plugins, caching layers, networks, DNS… not to mention all the people who can bring a website down with the touch of a finger.

Secure, Performant, Scalable and Green: The big wins of a static Drupal website

Drupal is the swiss-army-knife of content management systems. It provides the flexibility to build pretty much any site you want. This is why so many of us choose Drupal for our backend technology.

Jamstack vs Static

You can find tons of resources on Drupal with React, Gatsby, Next, Vue and Nuxt, yet not so much static-focused non-Jamstack content beyond using the Drupal Tome module (which is a great tool!). Why are JavaScript frameworks such a hot Drupal topic yet simple static frontends not so much? I think static Drupal has a marketing problem!

The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components

There has been no shortage of both fair and unfair criticism toward Web Components from a wide range of folks that build for the web, including but not limited to JavaScript Framework authors in supposed competition with the platform. In this session I’ll show you how to navigate and simplify the multifaceted landscape of web components, satisfying common criticisms and showing how you can Use the Platform most effectively today.

Rendering techniques, and how to choose between them

The way we choose to populate and deliver the pages of our sites and applications can have profound effects on performance, accessibility, discoverability, and complexity.

There is a seemingly endless number of options available. SSR? SPA? MPA? SSG? DPR? ISR? So many acronyms! So many choices! Which is the best? The answer of course is “it depends”. But on what does it depend? How can we make the best decision for our projects, our users, and our developers? What are the questions we should ask to help us make the most appropriate and most informed choices?

Building Full-Stack Serverless Applications

Building applications is a constant fight between scalability, developer experience, user experience, reliability amongst many other factors. 

Serverless Applications get to live in an almost Goldilocks zone of productivity, allowing you to build faster and easier than building your own infrastructure. 

We’ll cover what Serverless is, how it works, and ultimately how to build anything with Serverless technology. 
