Is your website beautiful?

UX design methods tend to focus entirely on usability testing, but usability is just one of many product attributes that impact the user. If we want to holistically improve the UX of a product, we should expand our methods and test additional attributes, such as look and feel. In this talk, I will present methods I employed to examine the visual appeal of academic library websites. I will share what I learned during this study, like design elements that have a powerful impact on visual appeal and the do's and dont's of altering UX study methods.  

Realtime Data Dashboards for Fact-based Decisions

The data is there. Somewhere. Can you find what you’re looking for? Can you find it again later? Can you share it with others?

Tools like Google Analytics are powerful, but unwieldy and inscrutable to the uninitiated. The interface offers a ton of information, but how do you know where to quickly find what you need? How do you share a snapshot of a certain metric with stakeholders? And, how do you make sure that everyone’s looking at the same data – particularly when that data is actively changing?

Make the Robots Do It! Practical Continuous Integration and Automated Testing

DevOps, CI, Build, Test, Deploy! There are so many different components flying around this buzzword-compliant practice, it's hard to know where to start. (Spoiler: always start with low-hanging fruit!) But the promises are very attractive: Fewer bugs, faster deployment, greater confidence in your changes.

Learn practical tools and workflows from those of us already in the trenches. We will cover:

Learning Markdown: 20 minutes that will change your life

Don't you wish there was a way to write content faster without having to log into your WordPress site?  Turns out there is and it is called Markdown, which can be written in any text editor you choose.  Based on the basics of HTML and with a goal of making marked up content as readable as possible, Markdown takes only minutes to learn and is the most transportable way you can write your content.  Sites like GitHub, Bitbucket and Reddit already expect it and now WordPress does too.

Extreme Makeover: Drupal Profile Edition

You may not realize it, but your profile is a form of resume. 

Your profile likely needs a major remodeling.

Imagine competing for a job, or as a team competing for business, and the person hiring you decides to check out your profile.

Will it look the same as the day your registered your account?  Has it even been confirmed?

Is your profile picture the default outline?

Come learn how to improve your profile with a minimum of time and effort.

Google Analytics 201

I was a self-taught Google Analytics user. I thought I was getting by OK.

But, since working with professional analysts, I’ve seen how my data wasn’t as complete or accurate as I thought I was. And with bad data, it’s easy to tell the wrong story.

I’m here to level you up, and share best practices for setting up your Google Analytics accounts.


In this talk, we will:

  • provide recommendations on best practices for setting up your views, filters, and goals

Getting Started with Drupal at Stanford

Are you just learning Drupal? Are you considering or do you have a site on Stanford sites at If so, this session is for you!

We'll walk through how you would get started with your Stanford site. Then we'll explore some tips and tricks. Bring your friends and bring your questions!

You can find tutorials on most of the topics we covered on our blog at:
