Simple Fixes to HUGE UX Issues

Ever wondered what gives you the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to user experience? In this session, Nielsen Norman Group, Master Certified UX Strategist, Trevor Calabro provides a 7-step checklist that will tell you just that. Everything in this session is broken down into plain English and uses real-world examples. The session also includes a series of worksheets designed for you to replicate this system on your own projects. 

Attendees will walk away with:

Composer Scripting

Presented by Kunal Kursija

Composer - The dependency management tool for PHP applications is a complete feature rich package that addresses a lot of development and deployment problems. Unfortunately, most of the developers only get to know about the basic usage of it(Example: Running commands like ‘composer require drupal/MODULE’, ‘composer install’, and ‘composer update’).

The anatomy of Git workflow and essentials commands you must memorize

Are you new to the Git workflow? Is the concept of version control sounds awesome but intimidating? Do you feel like Git would improve your development workflow but don't know where to start?

If this sounds like you, join me for this crash course into Git from the beginner to ninja. We will talk about using Git in the command line like a pro and cover most popular workflows, essential commands, and bonus tips and tricks that will improve your development workflow.

This session is great for beginners but intermediate users may also learn a few new tricks! "  

Sneak peek at Siteimprove

Presented by Jiatyan Chen & Nick Dalman

Stanford has selected SiteImprove as our new accessibility compliance tool. It also also comes with a whole suite of other SEO and quality assurance features for your website. Come take a look at its features to help make your site better.

Dive-In: Beyond Code Contributions to Open Source

Web development in higher-education relies heavily on its relationship with open-source software development. Contributions back to open source allow the projects to expand, extend, and mature, and you can help give back without ever having to code a bit or byte. This session will cover two major areas of non-code contributions perfect for higher-education web professionals to lift from: writing and editing documentation, and event and initiative volunteering and leadership.

How to create a content marketing campaign

"Before you create any more 'great content,' figure out how you are going to market it first." -Joe Pulizzi. At Stanford, "marketing" can often seem like a four-letter word. Learn how to tell your department/center's story in a way that helps you meet institutional goals while staying true to your brand. We'll use the recent completely virtual recruitment season to explore the various channels and forms of communication you can use to reach your audiences and create an epic campaign.
