Keep Living the Dream! How to work remotely AND foster a happy, balanced life

Virtual. Remote. Distributed. Pick your label. This style of organization is becoming more popular and in-demand among many Drupal shops. While many folks have gone remote, some people find the experience quite isolating and disconnected.

Does remote work make people happier? Does it make them more productive? The answer is not really. It is not the act of working from home that creates employee happiness; it is creating a culture that fosters remote practices to develop meaning, collaboration and happiness.

Leveraging Multiple Cloud Orchestration


We are now living in Cloud era. Therefore, we are managing AWS by developing our own AWS Portal | Cloud Orchestrator by Drupal 8.

We'll introduce our solution (Cloud project) including its requirements and the goal, the value proposition. We would like to show how Drupal 8 can define to manage multiple Cloud infrastructure and why Drupal 8 can be used as Web Application Framework.

Key Points Covered

Realtime Data Dashboards for Fact-based Decisions

The data is there. Somewhere. Can you find what you’re looking for? Can you find it again later? Can you share it with others?

Tools like Google Analytics are powerful, but unwieldy and inscrutable to the uninitiated. The interface offers a ton of information, but how do you know where to quickly find what you need? How do you share a snapshot of a certain metric with stakeholders? And, how do you make sure that everyone’s looking at the same data – particularly when that data is actively changing?

Communication 1: Understanding How we Succeed or Fail

If it is true that the meaning of all communication is the response it elicits; then what should we do to get the results we need? By reducing communication into the simplest parts, it is easier to see their interactions and there-by understand the complex results. We will tour the communication process to understand where it happens, show how it functions, and why it breaks. 
